Welcome to Advanced Bodywork and Massage!
Pain relief by removing the CAUSE!
One Williamsburg Place Suite 250 Warrendale PA 15086
2 minutes from I-79 Warrendale, See the "directions" page for specifics
If you live in the Greater Pittsburgh, North Pittsburgh, Wexford, Cranberry, Seven Fields, Warrendale, Butler, Beaver, or Allegheny County area, you are in luck!
Mary Jo Smiley CMTPT
Board Certified Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist, LMT, CMMT is here for YOU!
"Myofascial trigger points are unbelievably common yet commonly overlooked."— David G. Simons, MD Pioneer, researcher and leading expert in the field of pain management

My specialties include (but are not limited to) non-invasive treatment for:
* Headaches, Migraines, chronic or frequent tension headache
*Computer and other work-related pain (early treatment works MUCH faster and easier than waiting)
* Injuries recently sustained in Auto Accidents and other injuries. Whiplash is very common and can get worse in time if not addressed properly. (Medical Massage is covered by most auto insurance)
* TMJ, TMJD, and jaw and face pain, temporomandibular joint disorder, clenching, headaches due to TMJ dysfunction
* Chronic Neck and Upper Back Pain and stiffness, stiff neck
* Carpal Tunnel, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, arm pain with or without tingling and numbness, Golfers & Tennis Elbow, "Tendonitis", Rotator cuff injuries
* “whiplash” and other neck and shoulder pain and dysfunction
* "Growing pains" and other "kids pain"! NEVER underestimate a child's pain. Remember how much you fell down as a kid? Just because they are not "broken" does not mean the pain is NOT REAL and SERIOUS! Treat it now, so they will not suffer the rest of their life!
* Fibromyalgia, Myofascial Pain Syndrome, Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome, other pain syndromes
* Poor posture, kids who carry backpacks, heavy objects such as purses and bags, one-sided sports like golf, bowling, etc
* Lower back & buttock pain, Sciatica, unexplained abdominal pain, endometriosis, and other "female pain and problems"
* Heel and foot pain, Plantar Fasciitis, knee pain, shin splints, fallen arches, ankle pain, Restless Leg Syndrome
* Weak, painful grip, Trigger Finger, "texter’s thumb " and other hand pain & overuse
If you don’t see your pain condition listed here, you may give me a call for a free 15 minute consultation; I may be able to help.
Once myofascial trigger points are activated, they may cause referred pain and dysfunction in various and disparate parts of the body unless treated by myofascial trigger point therapy.
This is worth trying! No dangerous side effects, needles, or drugs! Pleasant and controlled!
MANY mystery pain complaints can be easily explained by myofascial trigger points and their referred pain patterns! Too many times a "pain diagnosis" is only big words that describe your pain, that is all! They do not describe the cause, nor suggest a "cure"! But you still need to see a doctor regarding your pain issues to rule out serious conditions. Pain is a warning to look for the cause of pain. There may be very serious health conditions that need to be addressed.Myofascial trigger point therapy is a safe, non-invasive, and drug-free way to relieve the cause and symptoms of these and many forms of pain related to muscles and body mechanics dysfunctions. It can easily increase and improve the range of motion.
Trigger points and myofascial dysfunction may be caused or perpetuated by a variety of factors, accidents, overuse of muscles, computer work, poor nutrition and overuse of stimulants, ergonomic imbalances in the home or workplace, and sometimes structural imbalances in the body such as long second toe, short leg or small hemipelvis, and prolonged physical or mental stress without relief, prolonged cough, lack of movement such as wearing a leg cast,
With these and other modalities, my focus has always been pain management and correction of muscle dysfunction. Many pain complaints are due to dysfunction of muscle and soft tissue, which can be addressed using Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy, Medical Massage, Neuromuscular Therapy, and some other modalities. I have worked with Chiropractors and Medical Doctors to provide, in many cases, far better pain management than OTC pain meds, pharmaceuticals, PT, or time can provide.
I specialize in MIGRAINES, HEADACHES, and upper body problems, partially because these were my own pain complaints and partially because these are so extremely common. Pharmaceuticals such as pain meds and anti-inflammatories seldom work for long-term relief whereas addressing the trigger points and other soft tissue dysfunction actually REMOVES the problem in many cases.