"Advanced Bodywork & Massage" Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy
Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy & Massage to eliminate or reduce pain and dysfunction for a HAPPIER you!

Certification Board for Myofascial Trigger Point Therapists

What does National Certification mean?

To me, it means I passed a really long, hard test and have kept up my continuing education for over 13 years. There are only 75 active certifications and bit over hundred therapists in the country that have ever this Certification.

To you as a patient/client, it means that I have studied this modality, and continue to educate myself each year. It means that i have a lot better understanding of Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy than 99.9% of the people that claim to do Trigger Point Therapy or Trigger Point Massage.

If you are a Massage Therapist, Chiropractor, PT, ND, DR, DO or other Bodyworker, I invite you to sit for the test.

If you work involved in pain management or are a Doctor, you should have this certification!

I personally will suggest that you go to "The Institute of Medical Careers" and take the 650 hour Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy course first, it will increase your chance of passing the test by at least 90%.


Certification Board for

Myofascial Trigger Point Therapists




CBMTPT endorses the concept of voluntary, periodic certification by examination for all myofascial trigger point therapists. Certification is one part of a process called credentialing. It focuses specifically on the individual and is an indication of current competence in a specialized area of practice. Board certification in myofascial trigger point therapy is highly valued and provides formal recognition of basic myofascial trigger point therapy knowledge.

Purposes of Certification

To promote delivery of safe and effective care in myofascial trigger point therapy practice through the certification of qualified myofascial trigger point therapists by:

  1. Recognizing formally those individuals who meet the eligibility requirements of the Certification Board for Myofascial Trigger Point Therapists and pass the Certification Examination for Myofascial Trigger Point Therapists.
  2. Encouraging continued personal and professional growth in the practice of myofascial trigger point therapy.
  3. Establishing and measuring the level of knowledge required for certification in myofascial trigger point therapy.
  4. Providing a standard of knowledge requisite for certification; thereby assisting the employer, public, and members of the health professions in the assessment of myofascial trigger point therapists.



Nationally Board Certified therapists listed here

There are 2 other certification exams that use CMTPT and CnMTPT and those are also valid certifications. If someone is using these acredidaions and is not listed on hte CBMTPT site, ask them about their training and credintials.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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